
Autocad for mac command list
Autocad for mac command list

autocad for mac command list autocad for mac command list

When ortho mode is on you can make lines either horizontally or vertically only.į10 F10 command Toggles Polar tracking on/off.


Shortcut keys in pdf of AutoCAD commands and Autocad command with examplesį7 F7 command This status bar tool will toggle the visibility of the background grid which is often visible in your drawing area.į9 F9 command Toggle Snap mode, when the snap mode is active AutoCAD cursor will jump to specific points in the drawing area which is defined in snap mode.į8 F8 command Toggles Ortho mode on/off. LA Enter LA command This command can be used to open layer properties manage palette which is a tool for creating and managing layers in a drawing. X Enter X command This command can be used to explode objects like Polyline to simple lines, an array or a block to simple geometry, etc.į Enter F command This command can be used to add rounded corners to the sharp edges of the geometry, these round corners are also called fillets.ĬHA Enter CHA command This command can be used to add slant edges to the sharp corners, these slant edges are also called chamfers. ST Enter ST command Using this command, you can open a text style window that controls the properties of the default AutoCAD text style. I Enter I command This command can be used to insert an existing block or a drawing as a block in AutoCAD. SC Enter SC command This command is used to change the scale of an object.ī Enter B command This command is used for creating a block, the properties of the block can be defined using the block definition window. OP Enter OP command Using this command, you can open the options window which contains most of the settings of AutoCAD. TR Enter TR command This command is used for trimming geometry.

Autocad for mac command list